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3 Lies You're Telling Yourself That Stop You From Achieving Your Entrepreneurship Goals


Article Summary

In this article, I discuss how to get what you want this year. After conducting research from my audience I realized there are 3 main entrepreneurship goals: Clarity, Calm and Profit. After analyzing the data, I realized that you're closer to these things than you think but you have to do one thing first...stop lying to yourself.

I've identified 3 lies we tend to tell ourselves as entrepreneurs in the thick of things: what we actually want, what we can realistically accomplish and focus on, and what's working and what's not working in our business. But if we stop lying about these, we will have the Clarity, Calm and Profit we desire.


  • Clarity, calm, and profit are the key desires for success in 2024.

  • We often lie to ourselves about what we truly want, what we can realistically accomplish, and what's working in our business.

  • Slowing down, being honest with ourselves, and seeking support can help us overcome these lies and achieve our goals.

  • Focusing on one revenue source and one marketing channel can lead to increased profit and success.

**This was also a podcast episode (episode #226). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below.

Ep226 - 3 Lies You're Telling Yourself That Stop You From Achieving Your Goals


Specific Words I Received About Entrepreneurship Goals In 2024:


  • "I don't know if I believe in what I'm doing anymore"

  • "Nothing that worked before seems like it's working now"

  • "Concrete ways to make a plan" (and follow through)


  • "Managing multiple jobs"

  • "Managing everything to do in your business" / "staying focused and not getting overwhelmed with all I have to do"

  • "Be more efficient"


  • "Increased income", "Increased clients"

  • "Predictable income", "Financial stability"

  • "How to be profitable"

What's Stopping You From Achieving Your Entrepreneurship Goals In 2024

You're lying to yourself about these things so you can hit your entrepreneurship goals:

  • What you actually want

  • What you can realistically accomplish and focus on

  • What's working and what's not

Lie #1: What You Actually Want In Your Business

You aren't feeling clear and having clarity because you're trying to achieve things you don't actually care about. You've started down a path simply by putting one foot in front of the other (which is great!) but where you ended up isn't where you want to be so you're feeling fuzzy. You don't know what to focus on, you stay busy but not productive and it's sucking the life out of you.

In order to bust through and feel the clarity you're wanting, you have to slow down and get really honest with what you truly want. Maybe you don't want to run the business anymore. Maybe you want to pivot or completely start over. Maybe you want to do more of one thing and stop doing others. You have to stop and ask yourself: What do I actually want to do in my business (and life) in 2024?

Woman working on a laptop

Lie #2: What You Can Realistically Accomplish & Focus On

I get it, you think you can do it all. So do I but the reality is, I can't and neither can you. You're wearing multiple hats, maybe juggling multiple jobs and it's just not possible to do it all. You probably look at others and think they're doing it all themselves but they aren't. We're in a constant battle of comparing our nitty-gritty details to someone else's highlight reel and it's just not fair to ourselves and we have to stop.

In order to actually gain the sense of calm you want in your life, you have to be brutally honest with what you can actually accomplish in this season of your life and business. It's going to suck when you realize you can't write that book right now, or start that non-profit or launch that new program but you know what sucks worse? Thinking you can and then feeling like a failure when it doesn't work out. You have to slow down and be truthful with what's possible right now when it comes to time, energy and other resources.


Follow-Thru Framework - Free Workshop

In order to combat lies 1 and 2, I've created a free workshop that shares my Follow-Thru Framework and it's available for you right now.

This workshop asks you 5 questions that will lead you to identifying what you truly want and aligning it with the effort you're able to give in this season.

During the workshop you actually have time to answer the questions so you can move forward with Clarity and Calm.


Lie #3: What's Working & What's Not In Your Business

Everyone wants more profit in their business and I want that for you too but you're most likely standing in your own way with this one. Chances are you're holding onto something that isn't working and ignoring what is working and that's keeping you from making more money.

The best thing to do when revenue is low and it feels like nothing is working is to focus all your energy on just ONE revenue stream. This isn't the best long-term strategy of course but in the short-term, when your confidence is shot and the bills are piling up, this is the best.

Look at the data (not your emotions) and see what your top revenue source is currently. Do not remove this revenue source, even if you want to change your business overall. Keep it going while you also figure out your next move. If you ignore this, which is your choice, please know your revenue will be low for a while. It's better to set your expectations correctly.

Once you know what revenue source you'll be focused on, ask: what is the number one way people are signing up for this offering? This will tell you what marketing efforts are worth your time. Identify the top channel and focus on that exclusively. Put everything else on pause while you solely focus on using the top performing marketing channel to increase your revenue and give yourself some breathing room. Once you're revenue is stabilized, you can then make a long-term plan for your offering suite and transition to other options if that's what your overall goal is.

To best combat lie #3, find a coach, mentor or accountability buddy who will help you go through the data and ask the hard questions. This is really hard to do for yourself and having support will be very helpful.


Want Support?

If you're looking for a supportive, data-loving coach to help you dig into this, I'd love to support you.


Take Away Message / Action

I want you to have all the Clarity, Calm and Profit you desire in 2024 so your next step is to admit that you've been lying to yourself but that today is the day it changes. Get clear on what you want, the effort you're able to give and what's truly working in your business and your answers will be in front of you.

Until next time give yourself permission to be honest even when it hurts and grace along the way, I'll talk to you soon.

Other Resources:

Ep. 226 - 3 Lies You're Telling Yourself That Stop You From Achieving Your Goals

"In order to get what we want and actually achieve our goals, we have to be truthful with ourself about what we want, the actual capacity we have and what's working in our business."

- Amanda McKinney


Let's Work Together!

Image of book: Why Not You? An Accidental Entrepreneur's Guide To Success

I'm on a mission to help eradicate the feeling of failure when it comes to goal achievement.

If you'd like support as you pursue your business goals, let's work together. Use the link below to see my current options.

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