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Simple Email List Building Strategy For Small Businesses

Updated: Mar 15

Looking to grow your email list, fast?

While there isn't really a magic-formula to make this happen overnight, there are things that will speed up the process of growing your email list. In this article, I'll share a step-by-step process as well as the tech-tools that will make it easier.


How To Grow Your Email List

Below is a simple strategy to follow so you can grow your email list (and in turn your revenue!) in your business.

Step 1: Set Up A ConvertKit Account

There are many email marketing systems out there but based on my experience as well as working with clients, ConvertKit is the #1 email tool for small businesses. It's a tool that truly grows with you as your business and needs grow and expand.

I highly recommend using ConvertKit because of the ease of use, connectivity to other tools, customer service, help articles and affordability.

I've grown my list by thousands using their landing pages and embedded forms!


Step 2: Create a Quiz using Interact

One of the most fun ways to grow your email list is with a quiz. People LOVE taking quizzes to learn more about themselves or find the solution to the problem they're experiencing.

I know coming up with quiz questions can feel intimidating but Interact has you covered! They have an AI tool that will create the quiz for you. I used this tool and it BLEW-MY-MIND!

All I had to do was put my website URL into the tool and it created a quiz based on what was on my website!!!

With a few tweaks to the words, images and results, I had my quiz created in minutes. For a busy entrepreneur, this is a dream. Plus it told me a lot about my website copy too! Such a bonus!


Want to see my quiz?

It's all about how to knowing what helps you be the most productive so you can make progress on your goals. Click the image below to actually take the quiz or see how it works.

Image of Amanda's quiz: What Level Of Accountability Do You Need To Achieve Goals


Step 3: Connect ConvertKit & Interact

The magic of list building happens when you connect the two systems so that when someone enters their name and email to see their quiz result, they are automatically added to your email list.

The best way to do this is by creating a simple email sequence in ConvertKit so that they receive at least 1 email about their quiz result. But of course you can add more emails to that sequence if you'd like to nurture the new subscriber more.

Pro Tip:

The email they receive can have the same content that is on the quiz result page saving you time and energy!


Step 4: Add your quiz to your website and social links

In order for people to take your quiz it needs to be easy to find. Be sure to make it easy to find by putting it in multiple places. I suggest one or more of the following: buttons, pop ups, and banners.

If you use Instagram, be sure to put the link in your bio (or list of links) so you can refer people to the link easily.

Below is a video from Interact sharing tips for promoting your quiz on your website:


Step 5: Send an email to your email list sharing your quiz

I know they're already on your email list but these are your true fans so it's important to give them the good stuff first!

Send an email to your list sharing the fun quiz and...encourage them to share it with others too! 😉

Here's an example of what you could say to your email subscribers:

Hey (first name)!

Exciting news...and I wanted you to be the first to know. I created a quiz about/to help you (insert topic/benefit).

After working with many clients, I realized this is a common issue/struggle and I wanted to help you get answers quickly. The quiz is short and will only take you about 5 minutes. Use the button below to take the quiz and see your result.

Plus you can share it with others who it would be helpful for too! Enjoy!


Step 6: Mention your quiz in your marketing

You can't expect people to just "find" your quiz, you have to tell them about it. If growing your email list is your goal, make this a priority. This doesn't have to take a lot of time but it does take consistency.

Below is a 1 hour a week strategy for you:


Optional Pro Step: Connect your quiz to a paid upsell using Thrivecart

This is definitely an optional add-on but a great one if you're looking to upgrade your sales/checkout pages and use things like upsells and bump offers.

Thrivecart offers a lifetime (yes, that means no monthly payments!) option I highly recommend! You can create sales pages, checkout pages, bump offers, upsells, downsells and they have templates for it all. It's truly a time saver!

Here are a few examples of my Thrivecart checkout pages so you can see how I use this system: ​Accountability Coaching​, ​90 Day Content Bundle​. And ​here is a link to see even more options​ from Thrivecart, they have TONS of templates to use!


Take Action Using This Email List Growth Strategy

Now that you know the simple strategy it's time to take action with this and implement it into your business.

Take it one step at a time and use the resources I've shared to get you started. Remember, you can always update and change things later once you know more but you have to get started today in order to learn.

Go for it and grow your email list!


Let's Work Together!

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I'm on a mission to help eradicate the feeling of failure when it comes to goal achievement.

If you'd like support as you pursue your business goals, let's work together. Use the link below to see my current options.

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