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  • 7 Questions To Ask When You're Experiencing Tough Times In Your Business

    Article Summary In this article, I share what to do when it feels like nothing is working in your business because these times are tough when you're an entrepreneur and feel alone and like you're the only one dealing with the hard times. I share my approach that helps me and my clients navigate the tough times and come out stronger on the other side. I share my step-y-step process (which includes 7 questions to ask yourself) for assessing the stressful situation and creating a focused and intentional plan to move forward. All along the way we also check in with your mental health to ensure that you're taking care of yourself as well as your business. Takeaways You are not alone in experiencing challenges in your business. Entrepreneurship is inherently hard and will always have ups and downs. Do not take setbacks personally; focus on your business rather than yourself. Assess the situation by pausing, checking in with your mental health, and identifying points of stress. Focus on what you can control and take intentional action. Find accountability and support to stay focused and navigate tough seasons. Remember the lessons learned from tough seasons for future growth. **This was also a podcast episode (episode #228). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below. How To Assess The Tough Time In Your Business Stop/Pause - this feels like the worst thing to do but it's important to give yourself space to separate you from the actions you're taking and take care of yourself mentally. If you keep going, you're going to keep doing the same thing and not be able to see above the clouds to what the best option is. Check in with your mental health - my friend who happens to be a therapist, yoga and ayurveda teacher has a fantastic blog post that outlines 7 questions to check in with your mental health: Have I drank water? Have I been outside? Have I eaten? Have I had a regular bowel movement? Have I moved my body? Have I slept well & slept enough? Have I connected with someone or something I treasure? "If any of your answers are “no,” that is your focus. If there are several, I recommend picking one to focus on for a week. From there, take small actions towards turning that no into a yes." - Kendi Vrska-Weygand 7 Questions To Help You Move Forward During A Tough Time In Your Business #1: Who are 1 - 3 people I can talk to honestly about this situation? Don't just ruminate on thoughts alone, talk to someone. A therapist is great but you can also find a friend, partner or business friend to go through the questions. #2: What are your points of stress right now? Chances are there are several things piling on at once because that's how life tends to work. Since you can't fix everything at once, a list will help you get a handle on the situation and see how they are affecting each other. Specific to your business, identify the most pressing point of stress and tackle that first. #3: What can I control in this situation? Our business outcome (revenue) is reliant on other people's actions (purchasing) and we cannot control that. So what we have to do is separate ourselves from the outcome and ask ourselves what we can control in this process. Our actions - by identifying what actions will be the most helpful in this season, we can optimize our energy and time (by the way, it's not panic posting on social media!) Our outlook - it's okay to be mad about going through a tough season but we also need to make the most of it. By changing our outlook from "nothing is working" to "nothing seems to be working so what can I learn from this", we will come out on the other side even better. #4:  What is working? What has worked before in this situation? I know it feels like nothing is working but chances are something is. If you're working with clients, ask them why they keep working with you. Look back at testimonials and what people have shared with you previously. Reach out to past clients and ask them how they would describe working with you. Identify what is working and how you help people so you can talk about it and describe it better (aka: gain more clients). #5:  What's realistically possible for me to do in the next few weeks, based on what's working, so that I can ease the stress I'm feeling? While big goals are great, in these seasons sometimes we have to focus more short term. How can you "stop the bleeding" right now even if it's not in the long term plan? And remember, less is more. #6:  How can I ensure accountability and support in this hard season? In tough seasons you need someone else to hold you accountable because it's too hard to do for yourself. Create a plan where you can check in with someone on a daily or weekly basis to ensure you're staying focused on the intentional actions that will get you out of this slump. If you want this season to end, this is the quickest way out of it. >> Check out my Accountability Coaching option here #7:  What do I want to remember about this tough season? This one is really focused on supporting your future self because this season will end and things will get better but there will also be more tough seasons ahead too. What do you want to remember about this season? Write yourself notes that you can look back on the next time you're in this season. Take Away Message / Action Remember that this is a season and it will pass but it's okay to want this tough season to pass as fast as humanly possible. Do your best by asking yourself these questions to learn as much as you can through the tough seasons because it's often the time we gain more clarity and information. When things are going well, we don't take as much time to learn but when things are hard we have more incentive to dig in and figure out why things aren't working and it often leads to the biggest improvements in your business overall. Until next time give yourself permission to learn in the hard season and grace along the way. I'll talk to you soon. Other Resources: Free Workshop: All podcast episodes: Amanda's Website: Amanda's Coaching Options: Amanda's Book: "Entrepreneurship is tough and it's okay to be mad or frustrated when you hit hard times but we often learn more during the tough times so always look for the lessons." - Amanda McKinney Let's Work Together! I'm on a mission to help eradicate the feeling of failure when it comes to goal achievement. If you'd like support as you pursue your business goals, let's work together. Use the link below to see my current options.

  • How To Use Outsourcing To Grow Your Business

    Article Summary Feeling the stress of doing it all in your business? It can be overwhelming and while it seems like doing it all yourself is the best option, it might be time to let go a little. In this episode, my right-hand-lady, Jess Gulley-Ward, and I talk about how we approached working together so I could successfully hand things off to her and gain some of my time back as the CEO of my business. This honest, casual conversation includes: What led Amanda to (finally) outsource tasks Finding the right fit for outsourcing in your business Difference between Virtual Assistant and Online Business Manager How to start/test working with someone to ensure it's a good fit Setting boundaries and celebrating progress Takeaways Active listening is crucial when outsourcing tasks, as it helps identify the specific areas that need support. Starting with a project-based approach can be a great way to test the waters and find the right fit when outsourcing. Virtual assistants focus on task implementation, while online business managers provide strategic support and help with logistics. Setting boundaries and celebrating progress are important aspects of the outsourcing journey. Logistics management is crucial for businesses to ensure efficient operations and customer satisfaction. Common challenges in logistics management include inventory management, transportation, and supply chain visibility. Outsourcing logistics can provide numerous benefits, such as cost savings, expertise, and scalability. When choosing a logistics partner, consider factors like experience, technology capabilities, and customer service. **This was also a podcast episode (episode #227). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below. How To Approach Outsourcing In Your Business If you're hesitant to hand over part(s) of your business, you're in good company. It's hard to do even though it sounds lovely. The truth is, as a boot-strapping entrepreneur, you've learned how to figure things out and you can technically do everything...but should you be doing it all? Chances are, it's time to let go of the reigns a bit and hand off some of things that you don't need to be doing. But since it takes trust and time, I wanted to share my experience of how I did this and handed things over to my right-hand-lady, Jess. "You're not alone. Your feelings of overwhelm are heard, natural and understood and sometimes a quick phone call can confirm that you're in the right place and talking to someone who thinks logistically can be a great first step." - Jess Gulley-Ward Jess does a great job in this conversation of letting you know that you're not alone in these feelings and that you can take it one step at a time when it comes to getting support from a virtual assistant or an online business manager. Virtual Assistant or Online Business Manager Fortunately, there are many people who are ready to support you in your business, you just have to find the right fit for you. Here's my definitions of each and how they can best support you: Virtual Assistant: a contractor that you hire to complete tasks needed in your business. Online Business Manager: a contractor that is primarily focused on planning and strategy for your business. "Talk to someone to get clarity on where you are so busy that you can't get into your business anymore." - Jess Gulley-Ward Think About It As Support Instead of Outsourcing In Your Business Once you find someone you can trust, it's more about getting support versus handing things over. The person you work with should be someone that feels like a partner in your business rather than an outsider. "My goal is to be the backbone of your business so you can be the shining star, however you define that." - Jess Gulley-Ward "I'm the trusted logistics person that keeps the ship running in the right direction." - Jess Gulley-Ward Book a FREE Clarity Call with Jess After this 1-hour call, you'll walk away with clarity on where you can receive support in your business and a plan to make it happen. The feeling is amazing! Take Away Message / Action Book a discovery call with a Virtual Assistant or an Online Business Manager. If you're feeling the pull in all directions it's time to get support. You can start with a project and see if it's a good fit and take it from there. Until next time give yourself permission to outsource (or even just think about outsourcing) in your business and grace along the way. I'll talk to you soon. About Jess: Jessica Gulley-Ward, the queen of Juggling Logistics, is a logistics wizard for service-based solopreneurs who are overwhelmed with the details in their business. Jess manages administrative “busy-ness” to allow you, a solopreneur, to get back into your business.  Even though Jess is superbly detailed that doesn’t mean she’s a stickler for seriousness!  Jess’ heart beats when she’s soaking up laughter and love from her family, her husband Kevin, her pup Lucy and their beautiful life in Vermont. Jess' Links: FREE Clarity Call with Jess: Jess's Website: Jess's Instagram: Other Resources: Free Follow-Thru Workshop: All podcast episodes: Amanda's Website: Amanda's Coaching Options: Amanda's Book: "My goal is to be the backbone of your business so you can be the shining star, however you define that." - Jess Gulley-Ward Let's Work Together! I'm on a mission to help eradicate the feeling of failure when it comes to goal achievement. If you'd like support as you pursue your business goals, let's work together. Use the link below to see my current options.

  • 3 Lies You're Telling Yourself That Stop You From Achieving Your Entrepreneurship Goals

    Article Summary In this article, I discuss how to get what you want this year. After conducting research from my audience I realized there are 3 main entrepreneurship goals: Clarity, Calm and Profit. After analyzing the data, I realized that you're closer to these things than you think but you have to do one thing first...stop lying to yourself. I've identified 3 lies we tend to tell ourselves as entrepreneurs in the thick of things: what we actually want, what we can realistically accomplish and focus on, and what's working and what's not working in our business. But if we stop lying about these, we will have the Clarity, Calm and Profit we desire. Takeaways Clarity, calm, and profit are the key desires for success in 2024. We often lie to ourselves about what we truly want, what we can realistically accomplish, and what's working in our business. Slowing down, being honest with ourselves, and seeking support can help us overcome these lies and achieve our goals. Focusing on one revenue source and one marketing channel can lead to increased profit and success. **This was also a podcast episode (episode #226). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below. Specific Words I Received About Entrepreneurship Goals In 2024: Clarity "I don't know if I believe in what I'm doing anymore" "Nothing that worked before seems like it's working now" "Concrete ways to make a plan" (and follow through) Calm "Managing multiple jobs" "Managing everything to do in your business" / "staying focused and not getting overwhelmed with all I have to do" "Be more efficient" Profit "Increased income", "Increased clients" "Predictable income", "Financial stability" "How to be profitable" What's Stopping You From Achieving Your Entrepreneurship Goals In 2024 You're lying to yourself about these things so you can hit your entrepreneurship goals: What you actually want What you can realistically accomplish and focus on What's working and what's not Lie #1: What You Actually Want In Your Business You aren't feeling clear and having clarity because you're trying to achieve things you don't actually care about. You've started down a path simply by putting one foot in front of the other (which is great!) but where you ended up isn't where you want to be so you're feeling fuzzy. You don't know what to focus on, you stay busy but not productive and it's sucking the life out of you. In order to bust through and feel the clarity you're wanting, you have to slow down and get really honest with what you truly want. Maybe you don't want to run the business anymore. Maybe you want to pivot or completely start over. Maybe you want to do more of one thing and stop doing others. You have to stop and ask yourself: What do I actually want to do in my business (and life) in 2024? Lie #2: What You Can Realistically Accomplish & Focus On I get it, you think you can do it all. So do I but the reality is, I can't and neither can you. You're wearing multiple hats, maybe juggling multiple jobs and it's just not possible to do it all. You probably look at others and think they're doing it all themselves but they aren't. We're in a constant battle of comparing our nitty-gritty details to someone else's highlight reel and it's just not fair to ourselves and we have to stop. In order to actually gain the sense of calm you want in your life, you have to be brutally honest with what you can actually accomplish in this season of your life and business. It's going to suck when you realize you can't write that book right now, or start that non-profit or launch that new program but you know what sucks worse? Thinking you can and then feeling like a failure when it doesn't work out. You have to slow down and be truthful with what's possible right now when it comes to time, energy and other resources. Follow-Thru Framework - Free Workshop In order to combat lies 1 and 2, I've created a free workshop that shares my Follow-Thru Framework and it's available for you right now. This workshop asks you 5 questions that will lead you to identifying what you truly want and aligning it with the effort you're able to give in this season. During the workshop you actually have time to answer the questions so you can move forward with Clarity and Calm. Lie #3: What's Working & What's Not In Your Business Everyone wants more profit in their business and I want that for you too but you're most likely standing in your own way with this one. Chances are you're holding onto something that isn't working and ignoring what is working and that's keeping you from making more money. The best thing to do when revenue is low and it feels like nothing is working is to focus all your energy on just ONE revenue stream. This isn't the best long-term strategy of course but in the short-term, when your confidence is shot and the bills are piling up, this is the best. Look at the data (not your emotions) and see what your top revenue source is currently. Do not remove this revenue source, even if you want to change your business overall. Keep it going while you also figure out your next move. If you ignore this, which is your choice, please know your revenue will be low for a while. It's better to set your expectations correctly. Once you know what revenue source you'll be focused on, ask: what is the number one way people are signing up for this offering? This will tell you what marketing efforts are worth your time. Identify the top channel and focus on that exclusively. Put everything else on pause while you solely focus on using the top performing marketing channel to increase your revenue and give yourself some breathing room. Once you're revenue is stabilized, you can then make a long-term plan for your offering suite and transition to other options if that's what your overall goal is. To best combat lie #3, find a coach, mentor or accountability buddy who will help you go through the data and ask the hard questions. This is really hard to do for yourself and having support will be very helpful. Want Support? If you're looking for a supportive, data-loving coach to help you dig into this, I'd love to support you. Take Away Message / Action I want you to have all the Clarity, Calm and Profit you desire in 2024 so your next step is to admit that you've been lying to yourself but that today is the day it changes. Get clear on what you want, the effort you're able to give and what's truly working in your business and your answers will be in front of you. Until next time give yourself permission to be honest even when it hurts and grace along the way, I'll talk to you soon. Other Resources: Free Workshop: All podcast episodes: Amanda's Website: Amanda's Coaching Options: Amanda's Book: "In order to get what we want and actually achieve our goals, we have to be truthful with ourself about what we want, the actual capacity we have and what's working in our business." - Amanda McKinney Let's Work Together! I'm on a mission to help eradicate the feeling of failure when it comes to goal achievement. If you'd like support as you pursue your business goals, let's work together. Use the link below to see my current options.

  • How To Replace Your Corporate Salary Working Only 8 Hours A Week

    Article Summary Want to ditch your corporate job and go all-in on entrepreneurship? It's a fantastic dream but it can be scary to take steps to make that dream become a reality. In this article, Holly Haynes shares how she navigated the self-doubt and created a 7-figure business over the course of a few years. While it didn't happen overnight, it only took 18 months for her to leave her corporate job and retire her husband from his job too! She's proof that you don't need all day to create your dream business, you just need commitment, a very strong sense of why you want to be an entrepreneur and a clear financial understanding of needs. Takeaways Balancing work and personal life requires communication and understanding with your partner or family members. When considering leaving a job, it's important to create a concrete plan and set financial goals. Replacing income may take time, and it's important to have a backup plan or financial cushion. Joining communities can provide support and guidance in the journey of leaving a job and starting a business. Podcasting can be a great platform for connecting with others and sharing valuable insights and stories. **This was also a podcast episode (episode #225). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below. Balancing Work & Personal Life As An Entrepreneur Holly came up with her "bus stop dream" because financial goals don't really motivate her. Instead of starting a business with only a financial goal, she understood why it was important to her. "Our family came up with what we call the bus stop dream. And that was, how can I figure out how I can put my kids on the bus and get them off the bus?" - Holly Haynes "At first I didn't think replacing my corporate salary was possible but what motivated me was that I wanted to control my own schedule so I started to talk about it. Saying it out loud to other people made a big impact." - Holly Haynes Once you've said you want to start a business out loud to someone else, you can then take takes to make it happen. But you don't have to have all the steps figured out but instead focus on knowing WHY you want that goal, you can take it one step at a time. Holly took it one step at a time and tried different offerings before she found what worked best for her. The key was that she constantly asked "why is this working for me" or "why isn't this working for me" and then adjusted. "You are typically your best client, two or three steps behind where you are." - Holly Haynes "What do you like to do and where do you perform the best?" - Holly Haynes "Sometimes you have to put it out there and see what happens." - Holly Haynes Creating A Plan To Replace Your Corporate Salary To Be An Entrepreneur Once you've started the process of exploring starting your business, it's time to put pen to paper and get some tactical decisions made. For Holly, it looked like: Where will we get benefits from? How much do we need in savings? How much revenue do we need to bring in? Understanding the finances behind the dream is what makes it actually possible. Holly created her "20 Monday Project" which helped her create a timeline to make it happen. Everything was written on a whiteboard so she could see how it was possible and commit to taking the action to make it happen. "When we put it on the (white)board, I'm not joking, I put in my 2-week notice in 2 weeks later." - Holly Haynes Holly emphasizes the importance of understanding your finances and what you need to be financially stable because it can become stressful if this isn't understood. "If you put an income goal on your business AND your life, it will get really stressful, really fast." - Holly Haynes Replacing Your Corporate Salary By Working On Your Business Only 8-10 Hours A Week "Ask yourself, 'When can I be consistent?' Sit down and map out your business hours. Not scrolling Instagram but hands on keyboard and actually working." - Holly Haynes "Even if you don't like plans, at a minimum identify the times you'll work on your business." - Holly Haynes Holly's 8-10 Work Schedule: Sunday - 1 hour planning time for the business week Monday through Friday - work from 6-7:30am Saturday - Creative time 6-8:30am "As busy women entrepreneurs, we can multitask and do twenty minutes here and twenty minutes there and for the most part that works but you have to have some strategic time where you're really looking at your business and what's working, what's not working and what do you need to be successful. I do that on Saturday mornings because I wouldn't get interrupted." - Holly Haynes In order to stay focused and be productive during her 8-10 hours a week, Holly created themed days because it allowed her to not think during the week. Holly's Themed Day Example: Monday - content day Tuesday/Thursdays - client day Wednesday - podcast day Friday - catch up/special project day "I still use the themed days even though I have more time to work on my business because it helps me stay focused." - Holly Haynes Want to know more about creating your 8-10 hour work schedule, sign up to go through Holly's Free 5 Day CEO Challenge. >> Click HERE to access the free challenge Take Away Message / Action You don't have to run yourself into the ground when you're starting or growing your business. Set a schedule that works for you and ensure that it centers around and supports WHY you want your own business because entrepreneurship is hard but rewarding if you set your schedule to support what you truly want. Until next time give yourself permission to enjoy building your business and grace along the way. I'll talk to you soon. About Holly: Holly helps female entrepreneurs create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures without relying on the social algorithm. An industry expert and featured Thrive and author with a 20-year business consulting background with Fortune 500 companies, Holly runs her strategic coaching business, the Crush the Rush Planner company, and hosts the top 100 Crush the Rush podcast while raising her twin daughters with her husband in Columbus, Ohio. Holly's Links: Holly's Website: Holly's Podcast (Crush The Rush): Holly's Free 5 Day CEO Challenge: Holly's Instagram: Other Resources: Free Workshop: All podcast episodes: Amanda's Website: Amanda's Coaching Options: Amanda's Book: "At first I didn't think replacing my corporate salary was possible but what motivated me was that I wanted to control my own schedule so I started to talk about it. Saying it out loud to other people made a big impact." - Holly Haynes Let's Work Together! I'm on a mission to help eradicate the feeling of failure when it comes to goal achievement. If you'd like support as you pursue your business goals, let's work together. Use the link below to see my current options.

  • Answer 3 Questions & Create A Sustainable Business (Free Resources Included)

    Article Summary In this article, Amanda McKinney discusses how to create a sustainable business that integrates into your life instead of taking it over. She shares four steps to achieve this: identifying your definition of success, determining financial sustainability, designing your ideal schedule, and overcoming the comparison game. By understanding what success means to you, setting financial goals, creating a schedule that aligns with your desired lifestyle, and avoiding comparison, you can build a business that supports the life you want to live. Takeaways Define your own definition of success as an entrepreneur to guide your business and set achievable goals. Determine what financial success means to you by tracking your expenses, knowing your salary, and saving for taxes. Design your ideal schedule as an entrepreneur to avoid overworking and prioritize your well-being. Stop comparing yourself to others and focus on your own journey to create a sustainable business. **This was also a podcast episode (episode #224). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below. Step 1: Identify Your Definition Of Success In Your Business You have to know what success is for you specifically. If you're always chasing what others say you need or should want, even if you hit your goals and reach those markers of success, it won't feel like you're successful. Take time to define success on your terms in your overall life, not just your business but everything. Episode #194 walks you through this step-by-step and there's even a free guide to help you too. Step 2: Identify What Is Financially Enough In Your Business We will always want more if we aren't careful so this is a trap we need to make sure we avoid and we can do that through math. Finances are personal and emotional but if we can take the emotion out of it and look at data, we will get our answers. If you aren't tracking your finances on a monthly basis, please start doing this now. I have a blog post that walks you through creating a profitable business and there's even a free financial tracker (spreadsheet) included. In order to know what enough currently is, you'll need to identify: Monthly & Annual Expenses - you have to know exactly what you're paying for as a business expense. While this will be dependent on your business specifically, if you're a service provider, aim for 30% - 40% of your revenue. Monthly Owners Pay/Salary - you need to know what your/your employees cost on a monthly basis. While this will be dependent on your business specifically, if you're a service provider, aim for 30% - 50% of your revenue. Taxes - if you're running a business, you need to be paying taxes so you have to account for this number too.While this will be dependent on your business and personal situation, if you're a service provider, aim for 20% of your revenue. Add these numbers up (expenses, taxes and owners pay/salary) and you'll have the total number to break even in your business. This exercise needs to be done on a quarterly or definitely a yearly basis as "enough" changes as your business needs and expenses change. To be clear, I hope you make much more than just "enough" in your business but once you know what enough is, you can let go of the constant pursuit of "more". Step 3: Identify Your Ideal Sustainable Schedule As The Business Owner You can make all the money in the world but if you're working yourself to death you won't enjoy your life so take time to identify how much you'd like to work. It's not likely that you can achieve an ideal schedule now (or possibly ever because nothing is really ideal) but there is a 0% chance you'll get there if you don't know what it is for you specifically. To figure this out, ask yourself what you'd love your schedule to look like in an ideal world. Then compare that to where you are currently. This is likely going to be tough because you aren't close to where you want to be but you can get there one step at a time. I've recorded a short video walking you through this exercise and how to stair step your way to your ideal schedule. Step 4: Stop The Comparison Game Once you know what success is for you, what enough is for your business and what you're striving for in terms of your schedule, it's time to put the blinders on. Because you could do all this and still fall prey to never feeling like you're doing enough, making enough money or achieving enough success if you're constantly looking over your shoulder at others. Whether it's social media, email, books, podcasts, or personal connections, pay close attention to what information you're consuming. If anything is making you feel less-than when it comes to your business, it's time to pause/mute/stop that content from making it into your brain because it causes negative feelings. In an article from the National Library of Medicine it's stated that "upward comparison—being worse than others—usually triggers negative feelings [Dvash et al., 2010; Swencionis and Fiske, 2014]." But before you get down on yourself or defensive about comparing yourself to others, I want to remind you that it's part of our human nature and happens automatically. There is an evolutionary origin of comparison so what we have to do is put up our defenses since it's something that will happen naturally. "Furthermore, social comparison often occurs fast, requires few cognitive resources, and can happen automatically [Galinsky and Schweitzer, 2015]. For instance, subliminal exposure to the picture of Albert Einstein resulted in lower self‐evaluations about one's intelligence, whereas subliminal exposure to the picture of a clown led to higher self‐evaluations about one's intelligence [Stapel and Blanton, 2004]." For this, I encourage you to notice any type of content that causes you to feel either "better-than" or "less-than" another entrepreneur. If you have these feelings pop up after seeing, reading or hearing the content, it's causing you to compare yourself and it's time to disconnect from that content, even if for just a season. Take Away Message / Action Remember that to create a sustainable business you have to know: What success is for you What enough is for this season in your business What your ideal schedule is What content is making you compare yourself to others The answers are going to be different for everyone and the path to a sustainable business will be different as well but these questions will help you get there. By staying true to what you want you won't have to sacrifice the quality of your life to have the business of your dreams. Until next time give yourself permission to define what sustainable business means for you and grace along the way. I'll talk to you soon. Resources Mentioned: Free Workshop: All podcast episodes: Amanda's Website: Amanda's Coaching Options: Amanda's Book: Episode #194 (Goal Setting): Profitable Business Blog Post (with Free Financial Tracker): "When I say sustainable, I mean sustainable for you to maintain both financially and emotionally because I know you want a business that integrates into your life instead of taking it over." - Amanda McKinney Let's Work Together! I'm on a mission to help eradicate the feeling of failure when it comes to goal achievement. If you'd like support as you pursue your business goals, let's work together. Use the link below to see my current options.

  • You're 95% More Likely To Hit Your Business Goals In 2024 With This Process

    Article Summary In this article, Amanda McKinney discusses the importance of following through with goals and provides a framework for achieving success. She emphasizes the need for clarity in setting goals and visualizing what success looks and feels like. Amanda also highlights the role of willpower and the power of tracking progress and celebrating small wins. She emphasizes the importance of accountability and offers different levels of accountability, including self-accountability, accountability through connection, and accountability through payment. Amanda encourages readers to take action and make 2024 the year they follow through with their goals. Takeaways Set clear and meaningful goals that you truly want to achieve. Visualize what success looks and feels like to stay motivated. Develop willpower and exercise it like a muscle. Track your progress and celebrate small wins along the way. Find accountability through tools, connection, or payment to ensure follow-through. **This was also a podcast episode (episode #223). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below. Just Do It...Whatever "It" Is For You & Your Business In 2024 I realize that's easier said than done but I want you to keep this phrase in your mind any time you're feeling hesitant to follow your dreams and goals this year. This doesn't mean you have to throw caution to the wind and go rouge in your life & business. This message is coming to you from the person who is likely the least spontaneous person you know so I'm certainly not going to the be the one who says "just do it" and mean to do things recklessly or without any plan. But I will say just do it when it comes to taking small steps towards the life & business you want. File for that LLC even though you don't know all the details about the business you want to start Tell someone you want to create an app even though you have no clue how to make it happen Save $100 a month until you have enough to take that trip you're dreaming of Just Do It! And yes, I'm using Nike's famous slogan to really hit this home today and it was actually a recent episode on the Mel Robbin's podcast that made me think of this. The ad campaign encouraged people to push themselves to pursue their dreams, no matter what obstacles they faced. But Mel brought my attention to the most powerful word in that phrase. I assumed it was the action word "Do" but she was right when she said: "The word 'Just' acknowledges a moment of hesitation" - Mel Robbins If I told you to "do it" it's more of a command but the simple addition of "just" allows us to acknowledge that it's not so easy all the time but if we can "just do it" we can truly achieve what we want to in life. As you're stepping into the new year, whenever your mind tells you "but I didn't follow through last year" or "I never follow through with things", I want you to combat those thoughts with this: I might not have followed through before but that doesn't mean I can't follow through now. You absolutely, 100% can follow through with a goal or plan you set and I've got some data to prove it. Research from Roy Baumeister, the Francis Eppes Professor at Florida State University, says that "Many people assume willpower is a character trait that you’re either born with or innately lack. But research suggests that it is more complex: It can be trained... Just like a muscle, the amount of willpower you have at any given time rises and falls, and if you exercise it, it gets stronger." You simply haven't been exercising your willpower muscle and it's time to get it into shape. The great news is that you don't have to go to the gym to make it happen, I've got 5 questions that will help you uncover your willpower in a unique way. Are you going to wait another year wishing that you had more confidence to take the next brave step or are you willing to acknowledge this moment of hesitation and "Just do it" so you can be proud of your progress in 2024? If you're ready, here are the questions to ask yourself to get crystal clear on setting your goal for 2024 so you can tap into your willpower and actually follow through. You're Invited To A FREE Workshop Join me live (or catch the replay) when I share my Follow-Thru Framework and you have time to actually answer the questions guessed it: FOLLOW-THRU! Follow-Thru Framework Anyone can set goals but not everyone achieves them. This framework ensures that you not only set meaningful goals but that you actually follow through with making progress. Question #1: What goal do I want to achieve this year in my business? Chances are you have a list of things you want to do this year but you've probably heard the phrase before: "If everything is important then nothing is". I have no idea who said it first but many have said it and it's absolutely true. We have to narrow our focus in order to actually make significant progress. Take a moment and ask yourself what you truly want to achieve this year. Not what others say you should or you feel like you have to but what you actually want. If you could fast forward to Dec. 31, 2024 and be SO PROUD of yourself for accomplishing/learning/not doing something in 2024, what would that be? *If you haven't set your business goal, Episode #219 walks through the step-by-step process of setting a realistic goal. Example: I want to master the art of teaching effective accountability Question #2: What does achieving my business goal look/feel like? Now that you know WHAT you want to achieve, you have to know WHY you want to achieve this specific thing in your life/business? You need to know the "so that" part of your sentence. Ex: "I want to make more money in my business SO THAT.........." This is a great checkpoint for your goal because if your "so that" part of your sentence isn't lighting you up, it's not the right goal for you. This needs to light your heart on fire because if it's not, it's going to be very hard to keep going when things get tough. Example: I want to master the art of teaching effective accountability SO THAT those who I have an impact with in life and my business never feel like a failure again when it comes to goal achievement. To take this another step further, I'd love to invite you to actually visualize what you want it to look and feel like. This might seem "out there" but it's actually proven by science and performance. "All individuals, regardless of age, gender, or skill level, are capable of using imagery as a means to enhance cognitive, behavioral, and affective outcomes. In the sport domain, athletes use imagery in training, competition, and rehabilitation. Elsewhere, imagery has been widely utilized by other performers including military personnel, surgeons, and musicians." Oxford Research Encyclopedias Psychology Article. Michael Phelps, a 28-time Olympic Medalist (with 23 being gold), used visualization before every race. "Phelps would rehearse his races hundreds of times before the day of the race so that when he would step up on the blocks, his body goes on autopilot. His body knew what to do from rehearsing so many times, and his races became second nature in a way that his brain already knew how to swim the race." - Swimming World Magazine article How can you create a clear vision of what you want this year so you can rehearse it every day? Below are questions to help you craft your visualization practice: What I want to happen? What I don't want to happen? What could happen? "So that whatever happened, I was prepared for it." - Michael Phelps Learn About Visualization From Micheal Directly: "It all goes back to preparation." - Michael Phelps While practicing visualization is helpful anytime, it was stated that "Visualization is a committed practice. It is ideal to do it at the same time every day. The best time to visualize is in the morning as close to waking up as possible. In the morning, the mind is still slightly lucid so that makes it easier to summon crystal clear images like you would encounter in your dreams." - Swimming World Magazine Question #3: Am I willing to put in the effort to actually achieve my business goal? The visualization exercise is a great way to step into the answer of this question because if you went through what could happen and realized that you're not up for that effort, you have your answer. But if that's the case, don't beat yourself up, just go back to question #1 and start again. According to a research article from Science Direct, when we're making a decision in our life (like asking what we want this year) our brain focuses on what the reward will be. Maybe you said you wanted to make more money in your business or to get healthier but what you were really thinking about was the RESULT (more money or being healthier). When you made the decision you weren't thinking about the process it will take to achieve the result. In order to make the best decision for yourself, you have to ask yourself if you're willing to put in the effort needed to achieve the desired result. Recently my 10-year old nephew and the rest of his football team won the National Championship for 2023. It was an incredible accomplishment and this team of boys from a small town in Florida beat teams from all over the US. After winning, I asked my nephew what his favorite part of the entire experience was and he said "the practice". Shocked, I asked him more about this and he talked about loving practicing and learning new plays and being with his friends. Had they came in second or fourth or any other place he would have had the same answer: "the practice". He found joy in the effort, not just the reward. "Are you willing to not just put in the effort but to do it on a really hard day when you don't feel like it?" - Amanda McKinney I encourage you to make a list of or write out what effort and/or changes you'll have to make in your life in order to actually achieve what you have said you want to do this year. Question #4: How will I measure progress on my business goal? Now that you've become clear on what you want and committed to the effort and changes needed in order for it to happen, it's time to think about how you will measure your progress. Monitoring progress is key because it helps you stay focused and to actually notice the progress you're actually making. Sounds silly but most of us will give up on something if we don't see enough progress but even a small amount will help you feel better overall. An article by the Harvard Business Review: The Power Of Small Wins, recaps research done on the Progress Principle that states that, "When we compared our research participants’ best and worst days (based on their overall mood, specific emotions, and motivation levels), we found that the most common event triggering a “best day” was any progress in the work by the individual or the team." Plus, I can verify that tracking progress helps you become more likely to not just achieve your goal but actually exceed it. I've worked with clients for 6 years and time and time again this has been proven. It helps you stay focused and celebrate progress all along the way which helps on those tough days. Most goals can be tracked by: A currency amount (ex: dollars, etc.) A frequency of an action taken (ex: daily, 1 time a month) A percentage (ex: increase email list by 25%, decrease expenses by 10%) A time spent on an activity (ex: dedicate 5 hours a week to research and application) Based on your goal, identify the specific metric you'll track. It's great if you only have one but you can have a couple if needed. Just make sure it's not more than 3 or it can get overwhelming. Question #5: How will I ensure I follow through with my business goal-achieving plan? Research (by the University of Bristol) shows that only 8% of people who set a new years resolution/set a goal, actually achieve that goal. But what if I told you I can increase that for you to 95%?! Research from the American Society of Training & Development proved that you're "95% more likely to succeed by simply directing accountability to a third party". They broke it down even further to identify: Having a goal: 10% more likely to complete Consciously deciding to do it: 25% Assigning a timeline: 40% Making the plan: 50% Committing to someone else: 65% Weekly, consistent check-ins with that someone: 95% So you have to ask yourself what you can put into place to ensure that you're not making a promise today and forgetting it tomorrow. Weekly check ins are critical and I've identified 3 ways you can do this: Tools - create a form and a calendar reminder to fill out the form on a weekly basis (this is a good option if you're not pushing outside your comfort zone) Connection - find an accountability buddy or group that you can report your progress to on a weekly basis (this is a good option if you know you need another person helping you and bonus if you're working on something similar) Payment - find a coach who will hold you accountable and help you track your progress (this is a good option if you've tried to accomplish this goal before and didn't make progress or if you're pushing yourself out of your comfort zone) Take Away Message / Action Ask yourself these 5 questions from my Follow-Thru Framework and be brutally honest with yourself about what you want this year, what it will take to get there and the support you need to make it happen. The more honest you are, the better results you're get. And while you're being honest, if you don't think you'll actually do this on your own, be sure to register for the live (or replay) of the workshop where I'll walk you through this step by step with time to actually do the work. Make 2024 the year that you actually follow through and celebrate your progress all along the way. We know the path won't be perfect but it doesn't mean you have to give up. I'll leave you with wise words from Michael Phelps on how he approaches setbacks along the way: "If I didn't get the results I wanted, I would just go back to the drawing board." - Michael Phelps Until next time give yourself permission to dream, plan and follow through and grace along the way. I'll talk to you soon. Resources Mentioned: Free Workshop: All podcast episodes: Amanda's Website: Amanda's Coaching Options: Amanda's Book: University of Bristol Research (8% stat):,set%20unrealistic%20goals%20for%20themselves. Mel Robbins Podcast Episode: Florida State University Research (willpower): Oxford Research Encyclopedias Psychology Article (visualization): Michael Phelps (visualization article): Michael Phelps (visualization video): Science Direct Research (decision making): 10-Year Old National Champions:,York%2021%2D6%20on%20Dec. Harvard Business Review (Progress Principle): American Society of Training & Development Research:,accountability%20to%20a%20third%20party. "Are you willing to find joy in the effort and not just the reward?" - Amanda McKinney Let's Work Together! I'm on a mission to help eradicate the feeling of failure when it comes to goal achievement. If you'd like support as you pursue your business goals, let's work together. Use the link below to see my current options.

  • 5 Types of Support You Need As An Accidental Entrepreneur

    Do you feel lonely, like you're on an island and the only person who's dealing with these entrepreneurship struggles? While the feeling is real, the good news is that you're not the only one. Every accidental entrepreneur has felt this way at some point. Plus there's one thing you can do to help this process overall and it's to find your support system. **This was also a podcast episode (episode #222). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below. Why Entrepreneurs Need A Support System Especially as an accidental entrepreneur, it's easy to feel like you're all alone. You're most likely starting your business from your kitchen table and the only person helping you figure it all out is your BFF....Google. You're Googling all.the.things, listening to all the podcasts, reading all the books and you're figuring it out one step at a time. This is fantastic by the way but it can lead to feeling like you're going on this journey 100% alone. Another reason is accountability. Holding yourself accountable for getting things done or being consistent in your business is really difficult and that's an area your support system can help you. Before you're able to hire team members, your support system can be what helps you propel your business forward and make progress. This is a topic I care a lot about as I've seen it make the biggest difference in my business and as a coach for accidental entrepreneurs, I've seen this with others as well. Because of my experience, I wrote an entire chapter in my book dedicated to helping you Find Your People. EXCERPT FROM MY BOOK: Why Not You? An Accidental Entrepreneur's Guide To Success Over the years of coaching entrepreneurs, I’ve heard these comments or something similar many times: I feel like I’m on an island. Why does it feel so hard sometimes? I know I’m the only one who’s struggling with ——. I feel confused with all the digital noise about what I should be doing. Accidental Entrepreneurship can feel lonely because not only are you starting a business from scratch that many people in your life might not understand but you’re also going about it differently. Many resources for new entrepreneurs are focused on doing whatever it takes to make your business work, but as someone who is trying to build a business that integrates into your life instead of taking over it, you’re looking for a different path. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as reported by Fundera, approximately 20 percent of small businesses fail within the first year. By the end of the second year, 30 percent of businesses will have failed. By the end of the fifth year, about half will have failed. And by the end of the decade, only 30 percent of businesses will remain—a 70 percent failure rate (Carter 2021). Seventy percent! I know I don’t want my, or your, business to fall into that category of a business that failed, so after reading this stat it’s natural to want to know “what do successful businesses have in common,” and that’s exactly where my research led me next. Not to my surprise, the idea of finding people to support you was present in most lists I came across. “Surround yourself with people you trust” (MasterClass 2021). “Find a mentor” (Wynnberg 2020). Whenever I share about finding support in your business, I often hear concerns about personality types (introvert/extrovert), preferences (in person/digital), or feeling competitive. Please know that connection to other entrepreneurs doesn’t have to look like a traditional networking event that you dread; it can be your version of connecting, and it actually lessens competition. As part of your Y.O.U. Promise, you’ve identified why being an Accidental Entrepreneur is important to you, your values, your definition of success, and the boundaries that will help you get there. You didn’t think I would switch gears and tell you a cookie-cutter solution for connecting with others, did you? No way. You get to do this your way my friend. While I love to get together several times a year with my biz besties, book an Airbnb for a long weekend, and do business planning, you could do this differently. Maybe you enjoy a shared Google Doc where you share updates as you can and connect through words on a page. Or you start a private Facebook Group where you can ask questions and share wins. The key is to know yourself and identify the ways you can connect with others that will support you in this journey of entrepreneurship. As you navigate the super rough, yet awesome, road of entrepreneurship, you’re going to need many different people: some throughout your entire journey and some you will only need for a season. Here is the list of people that I suggest, and in each section I’ll share why you need this type of person, when you need them in your journey, and how to find them. friends/family mentors coaches therapists biz besties Friends & Family Why you need them: You have these people in your corner for all the big things in your life, so they will be there for you in this part too. This doesn’t mean that every single family member or friend will support you along the way, but know who you can lean on for encouragement when you need it, advice when you need it, or just to lend a listening ear. When you need them: You need them throughout the entire journey. Tell them early (like now) in your journey, and allow them to be the encouragement you need. These are the people that you will allow to see you cry and be at your worst, so you will want them throughout your entire journey. How to find them: Their names are already popping into your mind as you read this. They are the first ones you call when you want to share something exciting. You won’t have to search for these people; they are built-in already. Whether it’s a single name or a list of people, it’s not quantity that matters, it’s quality. Mentors Why you need them: By my definition, mentors are people who inspire and/or teach you, and you need both these things as an Accidental Entrepreneur. When you need them: These will also be with you throughout your entire entrepreneurship journey and will evolve over time. You might need someone to help you learn about getting set up as a business at first, but then a few years down the road you need help hiring people in your business. You will likely always have mentors, but they will change over time. How to find them: You can find these people in many places (books, podcasts, groups, etc.). That person you met at the coworking space that shared insights with you over a shared lunch—that’s a mentor. The previous work colleague that took a look at your resume when you needed it—that’s a mentor. Even more, some of my biggest mentors are those who don’t even know my name. People like Mel Robbins and Brené Brown are incredibly inspiring and educational to me, but they don’t know who I am. This is one that I think we get in our heads about and think, “I have to find a formal mentor,” but really, it’s often much more casual than that. “Super mentors help solve significant problems in your life… Start with the problem. Find people who can help you. Make it easy for them to help you” (Koester 2022). Coaches Why you need them: These are more formal relationships you have with someone who is actively coaching you. This might mean you are paying them for a specific type of coaching (e.g., marketing coach) or it’s not paid but more formal in how you meet (e.g., monthly check-ins). While coaches certainly teach and advise you as you work together, the main reason many people hire a coach is for accountability in taking action in their business. When you need them: Like mentors, coaches are wonderful to have throughout your entire journey; however, your needs will change throughout your journey. The key with this relationship is that you have found a person that you resonate with and have an agreement as to how they will help guide you in a particular stage of your business and what support they will provide to you. How to find them: Do your research before hiring a coach. If possible, ask for recommendations from other Accidental Entrepreneurs you know. If that’s not possible, I recommend consuming content created by the coach (blog posts, videos, social media content, low-priced offerings) to get a feel for their coaching/teaching style. Another option is to book a consultation call with the coach. Whether the call is paid or free, working with the coach for a short period of time (e.g., one hour) to understand how they show up for you as a coach before committing for a longer period of time is a good idea. Therapists Why you need them: I’m a big believer that everyone can benefit from therapy, and that extends to Accidental Entrepreneurship too. A therapist can help you navigate the tough times in life and business through conversation and helpful tools. When you need them: Throughout your journey, but specifically if you’re experiencing many stressful things in your personal and business life, that is a good time to have a therapist. How to find them: Asking trusted friends or family members for recommendations is a great place to start. However, if this doesn’t feel comfortable for you, an online search is a great tool. You can look locally if you prefer to meet with someone in person, or many options for online therapists are available. Biz Besties Why you need them: As I mentioned in my tech meltdown story, your biz besties will be the people you call on when you need support on the tough days in business. Whether it’s a tech issue, low sales, or an idea for something you want to offer, they are often the first line of defense. You may giggle when you read the title “biz bestie,” or maybe it resonates with you. If you love it, use it. If you hate it, choose different words because the title doesn’t matter; the people do. Biz besties are people in your life that are also running businesses of their own, and they are willing to talk about the process, listen to you vent, celebrate with you, and help you problem solve, too. They become your friends over time but the thread that makes the biggest difference is that they are also running a business. If they aren’t doing this, they can still be your BFFs, but they aren’t “biz besties.” When you need them: You need them throughout the entire journey yet these people will likely evolve over time in your business as these relationships take time to develop. These relationships are more likely to feel more settled a year or so into running your business although if it happens earlier, embrace it. How to find them: The best mentality you can have with this process is to be the biz bestie you hope to find. Asking “how can I support you” is a great way to start as you begin connecting with people. This is likely going to be the toughest group to find because it takes time. To find these people, you must be proactive in looking for other Accidental Entrepreneurs who are on a similar path as you. As you interact with others in online forums, group programs, memberships, or masterminds, see who you naturally connect with. For example, if you’re attending an event (local or online) and someone asks a question that you also have, connect with that person. Walk up to them after the event or send them a direct message; introduce yourself and thank them for asking such a great question. They will be thrilled they weren’t the only one who was curious. Exchange contact information and then be proactive with connecting with them in the next few days. Also, don’t underestimate the power of social media. Many of my biz bestie relationships started by connecting on social media. This can look like engaging with or sharing someone else’s content and then exchanging direct messages. What starts as a message can turn into a deep friendship one day. This group of people is who I get the most questions about, so I wanted to share some additional notes: A magic number of how many you need does not exist; it could be one person or several. There is not a timeline for these relationships, but they do take time to develop. Start with messages back and forth, graduate to a coffee chat in person or over video, then ask, “How can I support you,” then follow through with what you say you will do. Don’t get discouraged if a connection doesn’t lead to a biz bestie friendship; they don’t all work out. Avoid jumping into a partnership or collaboration on a project right away; start small. You will eventually say, “I wouldn’t have the business I have today without them” about your biz besties, so it’s worth the time and energy to invest into finding them. Take Away Message / Action Identify your support system because it's already started. While you might feel very alone and on the island of entrepreneurship where you know others are but don't know how to find them, there are people who are cheering you on right now. My suggestion is to write down their names so you can actually see your support system on a piece of paper. It sounds silly but it's very effective. Once you know who your current support system is, identify where your gaps are and where you'd like more support. Maybe you'd like to find a coach or maybe you want to focus on connecting with biz besties. Regardless, identify who you'd like to connect with and then make a plan to fill the gaps all the while knowing that you have support right now. I can be and hopefully am a mentor of yours. As you write your list, I hope you write my name as a mentor as I am cheering you on 100%! And please, don't forget to lean into the support you have as you look for more support. People often don't know you need support until you ask for it so make sure you ask for the support you need. They want to help you, I promise. Until next time give yourself permission to use your support system and grace along the way. I'll talk to you soon. Resources Mentioned: Define Success Free Resource: All podcast episodes: Amanda's Coaching Options: Amanda's Book: "These 5 groups of people are the ones who you will credit your business success and are invaluable to your motivation." - Amanda McKinney Unapologetically Chase Your Definition Of Success Why Not You my friend? You have a dream and a desire to build a business that integrates into your life instead of taking it over. And it's time to make it happen! If you'd like to explore this concept even more, my book Why Not You? An Accidental Entrepreneur's Guide To Success is waiting for you. Finding your people is just one chapter but in the book we will explore many other things that help you create your Y.O.U. Promise that becomes your guide to unapologetically chasing success for you.

  • 3-Step End-Of-Year Reflection & Goal Setting Process For Entrepreneurs

    It's that time of year when we look back and reflect on what we've achieved (or haven't) and set our sights on the new year. While it's tempting to skip right to the fun planning part for next year, please don't skip the reflection process. As a business owner, taking time to reflect will help you make better business decisions and set achievable goals for the coming year. **This was also a podcast episode (episode #221). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below. STEP 1: Calendar Audit Exercise Go through your calendar from January 1 all the way to December 31st and conduct an audit of what you actually did this year. While I know not everything makes it to our calendar, many things do: lunch with a friend, doctors appointments, kids plays and activities, work meetings. This takes about an hour to do but look through your entire calendar and break things into categories: Things I enjoyed or helped achieve a goal and want to do more of Things I didn't enjoy or help me achieve a goal and I don't want to do anymore My examples: Coaching calls brought in the majority of my revenue and I enjoyed them but this exercise helped me understand what type I enjoyed the most Connection calls were so fun for me but I need to be careful how many I have on my calendar I signed up for WAY too many free masterclasses to learn from others, this took me away from my focus and I need to set some boundaries with this I evaluated the paid programs I was a part of and which to continue with in 2024 Then identify the top 3 to 5 things that help you feel like you're living your best life. These also help you identify the boundaries you need with your time. These should include both personal and business activities. My examples: Luxurious self care experiences (massage, facial, eyebrows, hair appointments) Time with my husband (daily walks, dates) Time freedom (the ability to spend time with people I want to spend time with like chemo appointments with friend, visiting family, lunch with friends) Connections with others (connection chats, but I have to be careful with how much time and what I end up committing too) Partnerships for business (I tracked the most successful ones and will ensure that I have better parameters with partnerships) How To Know If Something Helped You Achieve A Business Goal Sometimes it's unclear if something has helped you achieve a goal when you're simply looking at your calendar. When you run into this issue, here are the steps to help you identify your answer: Know your goals Hopefully you're setting 90 day goals for your business. If not, check out Ep. 219 for this step-by-step process. Write out all of your goals from the year and the metric that indicates if it was achieved or not. Examples: Grow my email list by 500 subscribers Book 4 coaching calls per month Double my revenue from last year Compare actual activities to goal metrics Now that you have your goals identified and your calendar pulled up, you can do a time audit to see if your time spent was actually moving the needle forward on your goals. While not all your activities will be goal-focused activities, it's important to see how you're spending your time. Example: Maybe your goal was to book 4 coaching calls per month but when you look at your time spent you realize you spent most of your time on creating social media content but that didn't convert to coaching calls booked. This tells you that you'd be better off spending your time on another lead-generating activity next year. If you're still stuck with this, check out the "metrics" section in the additional questions list below as that will help you identify specifically if an action was worth your time. Additional end-of-year reflection questions for business owners: METRICS: What were my goals this year? Did I achieve them? (Why/how or why not) What was your highest revenue stream? What lead generation type/opt in brought in the most leads? What is the conversion rate (percentage) from a free opt in to a paid offering? If you have multiple, be sure to identify the highest converting opt in so you know what's working. *ConvertKit is a great tool for this, you can see this with one click. How did your spending have a direct or indirect impact on your business growth? ACTIONS: Evaluate all the actions you take on a weekly basis and ask if they are truly helping you get to the next level you want to achieve (or maintain) in your business next year. Delete things that aren't helping you. Are there any assumptions you're making that you need to test/validate? Did I keep my commitments (to myself, to my clients, to my audience)? FEELINGS: What did you love/enjoy doing this year? What did you not enjoy doing this year? What am I proud of this year? Who do I need to thank for their support this year? How did my business and life integration feel this year? Is there anything you want to change as you move forward? Is there anything you need to forgive yourself for so you can move forward? What did it feel like when I was managing things well? What enabled that? Was my business a force for good in the world? OVERALL: What is my why (for being an entrepreneur)? Has it changed? *Not sure what your why is? Check out my book Why Not You? An Accidental Entrepreneur's Guide To Success to truly uncover this and the other components of your Y.O.U. Promise to help guide everything in your business. STEP 2: Look Ahead To Next Year & Set Your Business Goals Once you've looked back and identified what you enjoyed and want to do more of and the things you want to let go of, it's time to look forward. During this part of the process, I'd encourage you to look ahead to the year and what you'd like to accomplish but then really focus in on setting your first 90 day goal of the year. Questions For Looking Forward Into The New Year: What is my overall goal for 2024? What is my Q1 90 day goal? (episode 219 shares how to set this) What level of accountability/support do I need to follow through with my goal plans? STEP 3: Write Your 2024 Self A Letter This may sound silly but I want you to write your future self a letter. As you're doing this reflection now I bet you wish you had something to help you truly know if you had a successful year. How did you wish you would feel? What did you want to accomplish? This is what the letter can help you with! By writing to your future self you can share your thoughts on feelings (instead of just metrics) and the bonus is that you can then read this letter every quarter as you set your next 90 day goal. Example of a future-self letter: Dear future Amanda, As you read this letter at the end of 2024 I hope you feel so proud of yourself. When you reflected at the end of 2023 you were happy with your accomplishments but not as proud as you'd hoped you'd be. I hope that's drastically different as you're reading this at the end of the year. I hope you took control of your calendar more and prioritized the activities that make you happy like quarterly spa days with Michael and long dinners with friends. I hope you blocked time on your calendar to actually pause and celebrate your accomplishments every month. And I hope you started that happy memories jar that you wanted to so you could remember the good stuff that happened all year long. I hope you're feeling much less financial stress as you were this time last year. I hope you hit your financial business goals as well as personal ones but also that you didn't run yourself into the ground trying to do it. Your focus on contentment with what you have is something I hope you continued to work on yet always striving for more to keep it interesting too. I hope you found the balance and are proud of that accomplishment. Overall, as you're reading this letter, I hope you have joy in your heart and that you're celebrating the goals you've reached and all the lessons learned along the way. While life will never be perfect, I hope you found the silver lining in all the experiences and you've allowed yourself to pause and feel all the feels about it all. And now it's time to plan for next year so set your sights big but also remember to keep the critical things in your calendar. Prioritizing what you love doing is just as important than goal-reaching activities. You've got this! Take Away Message / Action Follow the 3-step end-of-year business reflection process and don't skip anything. Make sure to dedicate time for this so that you can truly set yourself up for a great next year. And once you write your future self letter, set a reminder to read it as you do your quarterly planning. This will help you achieve what you hope to feel. Until next time give yourself permission to take time to reflect and grace along the way. I'll talk to you soon. Let's Work Together: Amanda's Coaching Options: All podcast episodes: Amanda's Book: "This reflection process will help you make better business decisions next year and save you time and energy in the long run." — Amanda McKinney Let's Work Together! I help women who stumbled into entrepreneurship, get out of the weeds and create a sustainable, organized business they are proud of and provides the finances and flexibility they desire. If that's you, let's work together!

  • Lessons Learned From Taking Time Off As A Solo Business Owner

    I'm back after a month off for surgery and recovery and I'm answering your questions about how I took the time off. Thank you to everyone who shared kind messages with me while I was out and your thoughts and prayers were much appreciated. **This was also a podcast episode (episode #220). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below. My Health Update My surgery was actually moved up several days so on Oct. 27th I went into surgery and at the time of this recording (Dec. 4th), I'm finally starting to turn the corner on feeling much better. While the recovery went went well, it was slower than I hoped for and I still have to watch out for a few things. But everything was a success! I'm still cancer free after they took some more biopsies and I no longer have the hemorrhoid problem. Going forward I'll have regular colonoscopies since I'm high risk for colon cancer and there was mention of possible Crohn's Disease to watch out for later down the line. But overall, I'm healthy and ready to get back into my normal swing of things. I will also mention that it's been a very interesting experience to speak so openly about this process and for each person who has reached out to say thank you or share your (or a family member's) story, thank you. Thank you so much for making this easier to share and for all of your support. Getting Back To Work After Time Off As A Solo Business Owner After a full month of not working, it's time to get back to it and in addition to sharing my health update I wanted to share more about this process too. So I asked you what you wanted to hear. Once I was back on Instagram I asked what you wanted to know and now I'll answer your questions. Thank you to everyone who shared questions! They were really all within a few categories of topics so I'll break them down accordingly: Tactically, how did I take time off (1 month) as a business owner and then get back into work: How did you manage to take a month off? Started planning in May/June when I knew surgery was coming (communicated with team, blocked calendar, told clients, looked ahead at revenue and what I needed to do so I could still pay myself during November) Made an "Ideal Plan" of things I wanted to get done before I took off Adjusted the plan along the way to get the "Must Do" things done The important things were planned and scheduled (clients, podcast and email), the "nice to have done" things didn't get done in the end because surgery was moved up The prep phase for taking time off typically goes well but what about after the break? Very pleased with how I prepped for my return and easing back in Tips on how to get back on business mode after a 1 month break (no matter the reason) Use a project management system! (I highly suggest Clickup but there are other options) It will tell you what to do so you don't have to guess. Ease back in if at all possible (half day, etc.) Set your expectations realistically; it will take time to get back into the groove so don't assume you can jump back in full-force right away How does it feel / as you get back to work? (overwhelmed, scared or ready to roll) Excited to be back but appreciative of the break Happy with how things kept going while I was out and now I've proved I can do it -- hello 1 month off for fun next year! Mentally, how did I handle taking time off from a job I love: What was it like mentally to take off a month? How did you feel? Odd but a great exercise overall Did you manage to completely switch off from business during the break? I still thought about business stuff but I didn't do anything other than think or make a few notes in my phone The first week I was very uncomfortable so I didn't have any desire to work, the second week I started thinking about work more but we had a family member go into the hospital so that took time and energy. Week 3 I did some creative work I'd wanted to do but never got around to it. Week 4 was a holiday week (Thanksgiving) so that helped divert my mind and energy too but I did clean up my inbox before week 5. How hard was it not to check email, voxer, etc.? It would have been harder if I didn't set myself for success. I removed or logged out of apps on my phone so they weren't accessible. Therefore, it was not difficult at all. While I thought about it during the time off, it would have taken extra steps to get to the apps, I didn't do it. How did you find the trust that your business would be okay so you could focus on your health? This is hard to do but possible. I knew how to prep for time off because I'm very consistent with what I do on a weekly basis and it's inside a project management tool, not just my brain. I trust my systems and processes and I also trusted that I've communicated with my audience and that I would be extended grace if anything went a little off while I was out. Now I know I've built a business that can withstand me not being present AND how I can make this even more true after this time off. Lessons learned from taking a month off as a business owner: Biggest challenge Giving myself permission of what "enough" was before I took the time off Not working as soon as I started to feel a little better (habit of working) Biggest joy Knowing that I can take a month off - I cannot wait to do this for fun! Lessons learned Streamlined A Process: I found a step we could save in the podcast show notes process since there was no way I would be able to do it while I was out. This saves us time each week now. Tested An Idea: I'd been thinking of adding in an additional email weekly so I tested this while I was out and my stats (open rates) stayed the same. This was a great use of time and testing. Partnerships Are My Jam: I worked with a few companies on partnerships/affiliate promos that fell in this timeframe and not only did it work out, they were supportive while I was away. I grew my email list by 400 people AND made money in affiliate commissions while I wasn't working. This helps me know what to prioritize in the future. Planning Ahead With Revenue Works: I knew I still wanted to pay myself the month I was off but I couldn't book any coaching sessions. I worked ahead to host a live series and then offered special discounts on coaching packages and brought in an extra $4,000 in revenue. Has it made you think about taking more breaks? YES!!!!!! I want to take a weekday off every quarter just for fun. I want to plan a whole month off for fun (or 2, 2-week breaks) Take Away Message / Action Create a business that you can walk away from every now and then. Systems and people can help you build a business that you aren't required to be present every day all day and I want this for you. It may feel impossible to do this today but you can build towards this, one step at a time. And I'd love to help you with this too. I've got a FREE way I can get you started and that's with the Free Clarity Plan. Simply go to or you can even DM me the word "support" on Instagram and you'll get access to the form. It takes a few minutes to complete and then you'll get a response from me within a few business days with your customized plan. Until next time give yourself permission to take time off and grace along the way. I'll talk to you soon! Let's Work Together: Amanda's Coaching Options: All podcast episodes: Amanda's Book: "It was actually really easy to get back into business-mode after being out for a month because I have a system." — Amanda McKinney Let's Work Together! I help women who stumbled into entrepreneurship, get out of the weeds and create a sustainable, organized business they are proud of and provides the flexibility they desire. If that's you, let's work together!

  • How To Set A Realistic 90 Day Business Goal In Your Small Business

    It's goal setting season! As small business owners who are tackling a lot of decisions in our business, this is a big one that often comes with a lot of pressure. In this episode I'm sharing a snippet from a live planning series I hosted all about Resilient Business Planning and I don't want anyone to miss out on this part. Setting a realistic-for-you goal is critical to your business success and I'm sharing the step-by-step process. *This content is a small snippet of my Resilient Business Planning Course. Get access to the entire course which includes 2 additional modules to help you actually achieve your business goal by using the link below: **This was also a podcast episode (episode #219). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below. Where We Go Wrong With Goal Setting As Small Business Owners There are 2 things that we do incorrectly when we sit down to set your small business goal but now that you know it, you can work with it: We plan for "ideal" instead of "realistic" We set the goal and then put it on the calendar instead of Step By Step Realistic Small Business Goal Setting This all starts with being HONEST about what you truly want in your small business. So often we set a goal based on what others say/suggest we should want but it's critical to know what you truly desire in your business. "I need you to really, really, really want the goal you set but I also want you to do decide to commit to this goal too. When you decide, you'll figure out how to make it happen but if you don't, you'll get distracted by anything." - Amanda McKinney Step 1: Identify EXACTLY How Much Time You Have To Work On Your Small Business Instead of picking a goal and then plotting it on the calendar, you first need to identify how much time you have to work on your goal. While we've already narrowed it to 90 days, you don't work on your small business every day (or at least, that's not your goal!) so you need to assess the time you actually have. "We have to look at our calendar first before we set the goal because chances are, you think you have more time than you do." - Amanda McKinney Here are the steps to identifying how much time you actually have. Identify beginning and end days (ex: Oct. 18 - Dec. 23) Cross off weekends, vacation days, days filled with appointments, anything that will take you away from work Check again to ensure you've accounted for everything (ex: lunch with a friend, etc.) After you review your calendar, make sure you know the EXACT days you have to work towards your goal. "This is the aha moment. If you set a goal before looking at your calendar, you're setting yourself up for failure because you set a goal thinking you have 90 days but you actually have 43 (or whatever amount you have)." - Amanda McKinney Step 2: Identify Your 90 Day Business Goal Now that you know how much time you have, you can now accurately set a goal for that time period. Two questions to help set your specific goal: What so I want to (and decide to) accomplish in my business? What can I realistically do in the next XX days to get closer to that goal? "Ask yourself what you want, and are willing to commit, to accomplish in your business in this time period." - Amanda McKinney Example: Business Goal = Sell more in my business / Double my revenue / Make $X month/annual 90 Day Goal = Create a revenue tracking system and input all data from 2023 by December 31, 2023. *If you're looking to focus on your finances and have a more profitable small business, check out my Profit Intensive where we work together to ensure that this happens. Step 3: Identify The Metric You Will Track For Your Business Goal In order to truly set yourself up for success, you need to take this one step further by identifying a specific metric you'll track on a weekly basis. The more you're tracking and paying attention to this metric, the more likely you are to actually achieve your goal. "Each time someone had a specific metric they were tracking, they exceeded the goal and often exceeded it early because they were tracking it week by week." - Amanda McKinney Options: Percentage (ex: increase email list by 25%) Money (ex: make $5,000 a month) Time (ex: 2 hours towards task) Take Away Message / Action In order to set yourself up for true goal achieving success, you have to start by setting a realistic-for-you goal. There's a lot of noise about what you should want in your small business as an entrepreneur but only you know what you truly want and have the capacity to achieve. By setting a realistic-for-you goal, your chances of success are much higher. Take the steps outlined in this article and set the goal that lifts your spirits and re-ignites your passion for your business. Until next time give yourself to be realistic with your goal setting and grace along the way. I'll talk to you soon. Let's Work Together: DIY Resilient Business Planning Course: All podcast episodes: Amanda's Coaching Options: Amanda's Book: "We have to look at our calendar first before we set the goal because chances are, you think you have more time than you do." — Amanda McKinney Let's Work Together! I help women who stumbled into entrepreneurship, get out of the weeds and create a sustainable, organized business they are proud of and provides the flexibility they desire. If that's you, let's work together!

  • From Food Stamps To Successful Fashion Stylist Entrepreneur

    Today we're learning from entrepreneur and fashion stylist, Jessica Pappineau. While she's a successful business owner now, her journey to success included working retail and collecting food stamps for a while when her family was going through a hard time. Too often we see the end result for business owners and think it was an easy journey but Jessica shares her journey to living her dream. Plus she shares fashion tips with us so we can find confidence through clothes even though it's "so much bigger than clothes". **This was also a podcast episode (episode #218). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below. Jessica's Dream For Entrepreneurship Started At 4 Years Old We all know that feeling when we put on an outfit that makes us feel like a million bucks - it's like we can conquer the world! Jessica understood this power of fashion from an early age and knew that it could be a pathway to success. As she grew up and embarked on her journey to help women embrace their true authentic selves, she discovered that when a woman feels beautiful, her confidence soars, allowing her to show up powerfully for herself and others. While it's easy to dismiss the odd jobs we've had over the years or how we help our friends and family, this is what led to Jessica to knowing her passion. She styled herself in clothes from the thrift store and later worked retail. All the signs pointed in the direction of fashion for her but in the end, it was really about helping others. "I never felt like I was selling anything but confidence" - Jessica Pappineau Being An Entrepreneurs Is Tough But Worth It Like many entrepreneurs, Jessica had to humble herself and take a retail job that paid only $10 per hour (while they paid the babysitter $12 an hour). But with a clear vision in her mind, she saw an opportunity to recreate what she had done before in helping women uncover their confidence. Jessica's side hustle quickly blossomed, and after 8 years of juggling her sales manager job and styling clients, she finally took the leap to focus on her business full-time. On February 14, 2019, her dream venture officially started, and she hasn't looked back since. "I really had to humble myself because I went and got a retail job for $10 an hour. And then once my husband got a job, we were paying the babysitter $12 an hour, and I was making $10 an hour. And this was because I knew that I could recreate In this boutique that I was working at, what I had done before. So I would go in every day and meet new people in this high-end boutique. And I started building it was almost as if I was building my personal brand in the arena of someone else's boutique. So as I started helping these women, and these are, like, high-level women, they were feeling so great about me dressing them in clothes that were very purposeful to their lifestyle." — Jessica Pappineau Always Stay Focused On Your True Why For Entrepreneurship One of Jessica's most memorable experiences involved working with a woman over the span of 6 years. This lady was going through a transitional phase after losing her baby weight and was uncertain about her wardrobe choices. Jessica's approach involves understanding each client's uniqueness and long-term goals to guide them towards the wardrobe changes they need. By strategically adding and eliminating pieces, Jessica helps clients align with their desired lifestyles, closing the gap between where they are and where they want to be. By knowing that she always wanted to help women feel confident and empowered through their wardrobe, Jessica has always been able to continue. "I'm truly helping women to step into that gift and into that power so that they can go out into the world and be their true authentic self, but also serve other people in the deepest way because they're allowing that authenticity and that gift to shine through." — Jessica Pappineau Jessica's Fashion Tips For Women Entrepreneurs (3 F's) 3 F's To Keep You Fashionable Fit: Does it fit right now, will it fit soon? If it doesn't fit but it has sentimental value, put it somewhere else so you're not looking at it. Fabric: Is it still in tact? Is it faded? Over time the lycra in fabric breaks down so you need to make sure it's still in good condition. Fashion: Is it still in fashion? If it's a classic style, it's likely still in fashion. You can also look at Pinterest for current fashion trends. Be sure to visit Jessica's website to get her free fashion blueprint so you can go even deeper into this wardrobe edit process! Take Away Message / Action The story of Jessica Pappineau, the fashion entrepreneur who turned her passion for fashion into a successful business, is an inspiring tale of following one's calling, seizing opportunities, and investing in oneself. Her journey from a humble retail job to becoming a wardrobe expert showcases the power of fashion in transforming lives. So, whether you're savoring coffee in your yoga pants or strutting confidently in a power suit, always remember that your style reflects your journey. About Jessica: The founder of CSJ, a leading styling company for high-performing female entrepreneurs - and other women who simply want to look and feel their best - Jessica Papineau has spent over 25 years in the fashion industry, teaching women how to use fashion to serve their purpose, boost their confidence, and elevate their image. Jessica has styled hundreds of woman, from moms struggling to dress their postpartum bodies, to business women seeking to level up their careers, to seven figure entrepreneurs, and professionals in the entertainment, sports, and music industries. With a goal of helping women imagine more for themselves, break free from what's holding them back, and show the world who they truly are, Jessica is committed to empowering women to elevate their style and transform their careers, relationships and lives. Jessica's Resources: Jessica's Website: Jessica's Instagram: Jessica's Free Fashion Blueprint: Jessica's Free Styling Call: Let's Work Together: DIY Resilient Business Planning Course: All podcast episodes: Amanda's Coaching Options: Amanda's Book: "I never felt like I was selling anything but confidence" — Jessica Pappineau Let's Work Together! I help women who stumbled into entrepreneurship, get out of the weeds and create a sustainable, organized business they are proud of and provides the flexibility they desire. If that's you, let's work together!

  • Simple Email List Building Strategy For Small Businesses

    Looking to grow your email list, fast? While there isn't really a magic-formula to make this happen overnight, there are things that will speed up the process of growing your email list. In this article, I'll share a step-by-step process as well as the tech-tools that will make it easier. How To Grow Your Email List Below is a simple strategy to follow so you can grow your email list (and in turn your revenue!) in your business. Step 1: Set Up A ConvertKit Account There are many email marketing systems out there but based on my experience as well as working with clients, ConvertKit is the #1 email tool for small businesses. It's a tool that truly grows with you as your business and needs grow and expand. I highly recommend using ConvertKit because of the ease of use, connectivity to other tools, customer service, help articles and affordability. I've grown my list by thousands using their landing pages and embedded forms! Step 2: Create a Quiz using Interact One of the most fun ways to grow your email list is with a quiz. People LOVE taking quizzes to learn more about themselves or find the solution to the problem they're experiencing. I know coming up with quiz questions can feel intimidating but Interact has you covered! They have an AI tool that will create the quiz for you. I used this tool and it BLEW-MY-MIND! All I had to do was put my website URL into the tool and it created a quiz based on what was on my website!!! With a few tweaks to the words, images and results, I had my quiz created in minutes. For a busy entrepreneur, this is a dream. Plus it told me a lot about my website copy too! Such a bonus! Want to see my quiz? It's all about how to knowing what helps you be the most productive so you can make progress on your goals. Click the image below to actually take the quiz or see how it works. Step 3: Connect ConvertKit & Interact The magic of list building happens when you connect the two systems so that when someone enters their name and email to see their quiz result, they are automatically added to your email list. The best way to do this is by creating a simple email sequence in ConvertKit so that they receive at least 1 email about their quiz result. But of course you can add more emails to that sequence if you'd like to nurture the new subscriber more. Pro Tip: The email they receive can have the same content that is on the quiz result page saving you time and energy! >> Here's an article on how to connect ConvertKit & Interact >> Here's an article on how to create a sequence in ConvertKit Step 4: Add your quiz to your website and social links In order for people to take your quiz it needs to be easy to find. Be sure to make it easy to find by putting it in multiple places. I suggest one or more of the following: buttons, pop ups, and banners. If you use Instagram, be sure to put the link in your bio (or list of links) so you can refer people to the link easily. Below is a video from Interact sharing tips for promoting your quiz on your website: Step 5: Send an email to your email list sharing your quiz I know they're already on your email list but these are your true fans so it's important to give them the good stuff first! Send an email to your list sharing the fun quiz and...encourage them to share it with others too! 😉 Here's an example of what you could say to your email subscribers: Hey (first name)! Exciting news...and I wanted you to be the first to know. I created a quiz about/to help you (insert topic/benefit). After working with many clients, I realized this is a common issue/struggle and I wanted to help you get answers quickly. The quiz is short and will only take you about 5 minutes. Use the button below to take the quiz and see your result. Plus you can share it with others who it would be helpful for too! Enjoy! Step 6: Mention your quiz in your marketing You can't expect people to just "find" your quiz, you have to tell them about it. If growing your email list is your goal, make this a priority. This doesn't have to take a lot of time but it does take consistency. Below is a 1 hour a week strategy for you: Create and schedule 2 Pinterest Pins to promote your quiz ​(here's a link to some canva templates​ for free!) Write and schedule 2 social posts (if you use social media) that promote your quiz (here are ​45 canva templates​ curated from Interact to help you promote your quiz) Commit to talking about your quiz in a story or live (if you use social media) at least once and link to the quiz Optional Pro Step: Connect your quiz to a paid upsell using Thrivecart This is definitely an optional add-on but a great one if you're looking to upgrade your sales/checkout pages and use things like upsells and bump offers. Thrivecart offers a lifetime (yes, that means no monthly payments!) option I highly recommend! You can create sales pages, checkout pages, bump offers, upsells, downsells and they have templates for it all. It's truly a time saver! Here are a few examples of my Thrivecart checkout pages so you can see how I use this system: ​Accountability Coaching​, ​90 Day Content Bundle​. And ​here is a link to see even more options​ from Thrivecart, they have TONS of templates to use! Take Action Using This Email List Growth Strategy Now that you know the simple strategy it's time to take action with this and implement it into your business. Take it one step at a time and use the resources I've shared to get you started. Remember, you can always update and change things later once you know more but you have to get started today in order to learn. Go for it and grow your email list! Let's Work Together! I'm on a mission to help eradicate the feeling of failure when it comes to goal achievement. If you'd like support as you pursue your business goals, let's work together. Use the link below to see my current options.

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