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The Secret To Making Progress On Any Goal

Updated: Apr 15


Article Summary

Curious what the secret sauce is to making progress towards any goal? It's sometimes a tough pill to swallow but the key is...accountability. In this episode I share the true meaning of accountability because it's not just about checking things off a to-do list. Accountability is about taking ownership of your actions (or lack of them) so you can learn from all experiences and it leads to continual progress. I share how you can implement a few simple things each week to help you hold yourself accountable and make progress towards your goal.


  • Accountability is the secret sauce to making progress towards any goal but that doesn't just mean crossing things off a to-do list

  • True accountability is taking ownership of one's actions or lack thereof is crucial for accountability.

  • Setting realistic goals and identifying intentional actions can lead to continual progress.

  • Committing to accountability and being kind to yourself are key to building confidence and trust in yourself.

**This was also a podcast episode (episode #237). If you'd like to listen to this conversation, use the link below.

Ep. 237: The Secret To Making Progress On Any Goal


Accountability Defined By Amanda:

Accountability is taking ownership of your actions (or lack thereof) and any outcome that happens as a result.

  • Own what you can control

  • No buses allowed (no judgment, just facts)

How Accountability Impacts Goal Progress & Achievement

When you don’t own your actions, it feels like achieving your goal is out of your control = feel defeated and that leads to not taking action and not achieving your goal

The Essentials To Setting A Goal That Sets You Up To Make Progress

  • No judgement allowed here -- be realistic with your answers and you're more likely to set a goal that you are willing to push through the hard times with and actually achieve. No should goals here.

  • Know what you truly want to achieve (intrinsic motivation)

  • Know your capacity (time, finances, skills/knowledge, energy)

  • Know your commitment (are you willing to say no to other things)

Computer sitting on a desk

Weekly Goal Progress Tracking

  • Set a quarterly goal and know what you'll track

  • Reminder: no judgement, only truth allowed so you can set yourself up for success

  • At the beginning of each week ask yourself "what intentional actions can I realistically take to get one step closer to my goal?"

  • At the end of the week ask yourself "did I take the actions that I set this week?" (this is where accountability comes in!)

  • If yes, celebrate and identify anything that helped you

  • If no, celebrate any progress and identify anything that hindered you

  • Keep these notes and review them at the end of the quarter so you can plan for the barriers and amplifiers that you identified along the way.

  • This will help you set more realistic goals and ensure that you're making progress every step of the way, no matter what life throws you.

Take Away Message / Action

Commit to taking accountability for your actions or lack thereof regardless of the outcome. By doing this you're more likely to make progress, learn and enjoy the process of achieving your goals.

Until next time give yourself permission to celebrate any progress made and grace along the way. I'll talk to you soon!

Other Resources:

Ep. 237: The Secret To Making Progress On Any Goal

"A plan is great but it's the actions that will get you closer to achieving your goal. Focus on progress not perfection."

- Amanda McKinney


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I'm on a mission to help eradicate the feeling of failure when it comes to goal achievement.

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