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Create consistency in your business

Updated: Jan 20

Inspiration from Padmasri Marques

Feeling overwhelmed when it comes to creating content for your business?

You’re not alone! This is something that has many people stuck.

I’ve covered this topic a few times before, but I just don’t think I can share enough examples of how to do this because it’s so nice to hear other people talk about how they’ve found a rhythm for creating content.

If you want to listen to other related conversations about content:

Episode #105 with Elaine Oyang talks about how she ditched the idea of everything needing to be perfect

Episode #99 with Alison Evelyn talks about how to banish writer’s block for good.

Episode #65 with Natasha talks about how to batch content for Instagram.

Episode #60 with Rachel Kay Albers talks about how to repurpose your content.

Episode #50 talks about a simple marketing plan for your business.

Episode #47 with Meg Casebolt talks about SEO with your content.

Episode #27 is the replay of my training for a 90 day content plan.

See, I told you there were quite a few episodes and I have no doubt there will be even more on this topic. And that’s because creating content can feel tough.

It's challenging at first because you’re learning and taking action with something new. Just like when you first stepped on your yoga mat. You didn’t know everything you know now, so it might have felt challenging. But fast forward to NOW, and it feels effortless most of the time.

Well, that’s how content to market your yoga business can feel too. I promise. But it takes time and patience guessed it, consistency.

Try to be consistent, whatever that looks like for YOU, 90% of the time. Sure you’re going to have times in life where you can’t be consistent with something and that’s okay. But aim for 90% and you’ll be in good shape.

Find a consistency that works for you and do your best not to compare your method with anyone else’s. However, you CAN find inspiration by hearing from others! And that’s why you’re here today!

I’ve asked one of my students, Padmasri Marques, to come talk about her experience creating a marketing rhythm for her business. I’ve had the pleasure of watching this unfold in her yoga business and it’s truly incredible how she went from feeling a bit overwhelmed with marketing to spending less time with it and feeling more confident in her writing and overall marketing.

Let’s dive into the conversation with Padmasri!

What is marketing content?

Marketing content is anything that you are sharing with your audience, with your yoga students, and your potential yoga students. This could be blog posts, Instagram posts, podcasts, YouTube videos, emails, all of the content that you are putting out for people to consume and then hopefully lead them into an offer of yours.

A lot of yoga teachers are uncomfortable at first about marketing and creating content. You think things like:

Where am I going to find the ideas?

Am I creative enough to come up with that much content?

Will I annoy people by posting too much? How can I make the time?

"Before I started working with Amanda, I usually would just write a blog post and then that's it. The idea of creating something weekly was a little overwhelming. I had thoughts that I was going to be annoying people. It was just too much." - Padmasri Marques

However, there are ways to streamline your content creation system and everything becomes a lot easier and less overwhelming. You just have to experiment to find the method that works for you.

**This was also a podcast episode (episode #108). Use the player below if you'd prefer to listen to this message.

Creating your own content templates to help save time in your business

You can recreate a similar idea each month and create a content template. This saves so much time, energy, and brainpower.

Basically, each week of the month can have a different theme. You can do this in a lot of different ways. You can use Padmasri's template or find a different way that works better for you.

Padmasri’s template example:

Week 1 - Blog content (Recipe + Video)

Week 2 - Movement/Yoga Video

Week 3 - Promote next month’s series/membership

Week 4 - Share a resource

The simplest way to keep track of the templates is by using a Google Doc. Basically, you make a copy of each week's theme email so you're not starting from scratch.

"For example, I copy all of the emails from May into the June folder. Then I start from that skeleton. I change the message but the skeleton is the same." - Padmasri Marques

How and when to create the actual content for your business

"The first week of the month I write for the next month, I create the content, I create the videos, I film everything on that week, and then it's all beautifully there for the next month. When the next month comes, I'm ready for the month after that." - Padmasri Marques

Find a system that works for you. It takes time to find the right method. You know that marketing is important in order to grow your yoga business, so be willing to try things until you figure things out.

"I try to plan my month like that, knowing that I have that first week of all that work. I move things around on my other commitments so I have that first week open for me to focus on the creation." - Padmasri Marques

Be open to changing things around as you find your way. Sometimes your plan may shift a little bit, and you can adjust as you go. Allow the process to evolve over time.

"Be open to adjust and accommodate. Move with the flow." - Padmasri Marques

Email and blog content can help you create social media content

There's a reason we focused more on email than anything else in this conversation.

For most of us, email is where people are going to convert more. However, every piece of the puzzle that is in each of these emails can also be used in social media.

You can re-share the long form email and blog content in different ways.

For example, if you share a recipe in Week 1's email, you can also share that recipe on Instagram. If you discuss an anatomy tip on video in Week 2's email, you can also share that tip on YouTube. If you talk about the class series in Week 3, you can also share that information on social media. Really, the options are endless.

Once you have your main content, then the hardest part is over. You can repurpose it in many different ways. But focus on your main content first.

"I'm taking it one thing at a time. I focused on the emails and I'm getting comfortable. My plan next is to focus on Instagram and to be more present there. Maybe next comes Facebook and I'll grow in that area. But I haven't been too pushy with myself." - Padmasri Marques

Your next step

You can take Padmasri's email template method and make it yours, too. Or you can be inspired by this process and find your own.

That’s my hope for you -- that you find these conversations inspiring and they help you find your marketing method. Because that’s when the real magic happens my friend - when you enjoy your marketing process.

There’s not just one way to go about this - whether ‘this’ is creating content or marketing your offerings, it’s going to be different for everyone.

But the key is to listen to what’s worked for others and see what resonates with you.

This is why I have so many episodes dedicated to creating content. Hearing from others will help you find your rhythm.

So until next time, give yourself permission to find your content rhythm and grace along the way.

Get More Done with Less Screen Time with Shailla Vaidya

"I hope you stay inspired, take baby steps, and get to your vision." -- Padmasri Marques

About Padmasri

Padmasri is an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant, a certified Advanced Integral Yoga® Hatha teacher, and a certified Raja Yoga teacher. She holds a bachelor’s degree in exercise science, a master’s degree in education, and has dedicated many years towards the study of the movement sciences. She combines her love for the sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda with her interest in the body’s structure and function, helping students to optimize their practices and lifestyle to experience total well-being. In addition to being one of Yogaville’s primary teacher trainers, she also offers workshops and seminars in the US and Brazil.

Padmasri's Links

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